Learning Environments

Some things are best learned inside, some things are best learned outside- that’s why our students engage with both environments.

Research points to outdoor exploration being key in improving children’s communication about their surroundings, developing initiative self-confidence, and learning how to navigate the world around them. Spending time in nature is also proven to facilitate social and physical development, improve motor-skills, support imaginative play, and reduce stress. With all this in mind, Creativo! students venture to the North Branch Arts Community Garden, various parks, the library, the nearby forest trail, and other locations.

Our primary indoor learning environments are our main classroom located at 5407 W Devon and the S. T. E. A. M. Room (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math), which is just around the corner from the main classroom. Both spaces are kept safe and clean, and have plenty of learning materials and activities for fun. Our indoor environments house development in core skills such as literacy, math, and science; they also contain our kitchen, nap, and lunch areas. The layout of our classrooms is designed to encourage encounters with peers, helping students develop relationships and communication skills. Most of our enrichment activities also take place indoors. The indoor locations are versatile spaces with many functions, and always aim to serve as a child’s second home.
